Uptime Monitoring

Metoro’s Uptime Monitoring feature allows you to monitor the health and availability of your HTTP endpoints. You can configure monitors to regularly check your endpoints and track their response times and status.


  • Flexible Status Code Matching: Support for exact matches (e.g., 200), wildcards (e.g., 2XX), and multiple patterns (e.g., 200,201,X04)
  • Response Body Validation: Validate response bodies against regular expressions
  • Custom Headers: Add custom headers to your requests
  • Multiple HTTP Methods: Support for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE
  • Configurable Check Frequency: Monitor endpoints from every minute to every hour
  • Metric Generation: Automatic generation of response time and status metrics

Getting Started

  1. Navigate to the Settings page in your Metoro dashboard
  2. Select the “Integrations” tab
  3. Click “Add Monitor” in the Uptime Monitoring section

You must be an admin to create or see uptime monitors.

Configuration Options

Basic Settings

  • Name: A descriptive name for your monitor
  • Endpoint URL: The URL to monitor
  • HTTP Method: The HTTP method to use (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
  • Check Frequency: How often to check the endpoint

Status Code Validation

You can specify expected status codes using:

  • Exact codes: 200
  • Wildcards: 2XX (any 2XX status) You must use uppercase for wildcards.
  • Multiple patterns: 200,201,X04


  • 200: Expect exactly 200 OK
  • 2XX: Accept any successful response
  • X00: Accept any status code ending in 00
  • 200,201,202: Accept any of these specific codes

Response Body Validation

You can optionally validate the response body using regular expressions. This is useful for:

  • Ensuring specific content is present
  • Validating response format
  • Checking for error messages

Example patterns:

  • .*"status":"healthy".*: Check for a healthy status in JSON
  • ^OK$: Expect exactly “OK”
  • version: [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+: Match a semantic version number


Add custom headers to your requests. Some common use cases:

  • Authentication tokens
  • API keys
  • Content type specifications

For POST/PUT requests, the Content-Type header is automatically set to application/json.

Request Body

For POST, PUT, and PATCH requests, you can specify a request body to send with each check.


Each monitor automatically generates two metrics:

  • Response time metric: uptime_monitor_[metric_name_base]_response_time
  • Status metric: uptime_monitor_[metric_name_base]_status

These metrics can be used in dashboards and alerts to monitor your endpoints’ health.