This page lists all metrics that Metoro automatically generates for your containers and infrastructure.

Common Kubernetes Attributes

All node and container metrics include the following Kubernetes attributes. These attributes provide detailed information about the node’s infrastructure, architecture, and location:

Node Information

  • - Node hostname
  • - Operating system (also available as
  • - CPU architecture (also available as
  • - Instance type (also available as,

Cloud Provider Information

  • - AWS cloud provider identifier
  • - EKS node group name
  • - EKS AMI image
  • - EKS capacity type
  • - EKS launch template ID
  • - EKS launch template version

Location and Topology

  • - Cloud provider region
  • - Availability zone
  • - AWS zone ID
  • - EBS zone
  • - Region (legacy label)
  • - Zone (legacy label)

Karpenter-specific Information

  • - Karpenter node pool
  • - Capacity type
  • - AWS instance category
  • - AWS instance family
  • - AWS instance size
  • - AWS instance generation
  • - CPU details
  • - CPU manufacturer
  • - Memory capacity
  • - Network bandwidth
  • - EBS bandwidth
  • - Hypervisor type
  • - Local NVMe storage


  • pool - Generic pool identifier

These attributes can be used for filtering and grouping metrics to analyze specific segments of your infrastructure.

Container Attributes

  • instance - The instance identifier
  • environment - The environment name
  • container_name - Name of the container
  • container_id - Unique container identifier
  • service_name - Name of the service the container belongs to
  • namespace - Kubernetes namespace
  • pod_name - Name of the pod

These attributes can be used for filtering and grouping metrics to analyze specific segments of your infrastructure.

Node Metrics

Node Information

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
node_infogauge-hostname, kernel_versionMeta information about the node
node_cloud_infogauge-provider, account_id, instance_id, instance_type, instance_life_cycle, region, availability_zone, availability_zone_id, local_ipv4, public_ipv4Meta information about the cloud instance
node_uptime_secondsgaugeseconds-Uptime of the node in seconds

Node Resource Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
node_resources_cpu_usage_seconds_totalcountersecondsmodeThe amount of CPU time spent in each mode
node_resources_cpu_logical_coresgaugecount-The number of logical CPU cores
node_resources_memory_total_bytesgaugebytes-The total amount of physical memory
node_resources_memory_free_bytesgaugebytes-The amount of unassigned memory
node_resources_memory_available_bytesgaugebytes-The total amount of available memory
node_resources_memory_cached_bytesgaugebytes-The amount of memory used as page cache

Node Disk Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
node_resources_disk_reads_totalcountercountdeviceThe total number of reads completed successfully
node_resources_disk_writes_totalcountercountdeviceThe total number of writes completed successfully
node_resources_disk_read_bytes_totalcounterbytesdeviceThe total number of bytes read from the disk
node_resources_disk_written_bytes_totalcounterbytesdeviceThe total number of bytes written to the disk
node_resources_disk_read_time_seconds_totalcountersecondsdeviceThe total number of seconds spent reading
node_resources_disk_write_time_seconds_totalcountersecondsdeviceThe total number of seconds spent writing
node_resources_disk_io_time_seconds_totalcountersecondsdeviceThe total number of seconds the disk spent doing I/O

Node Network Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
node_net_received_bytes_totalcounterbytesinterfaceThe total number of bytes received
node_net_transmitted_bytes_totalcounterbytesinterfaceThe total number of bytes transmitted
node_net_received_packets_totalcountercountinterfaceThe total number of packets received
node_net_transmitted_packets_totalcountercountinterfaceThe total number of packets transmitted
node_net_interface_upgauge-interfaceStatus of the interface (0:down, 1:up)
node_net_interface_ipgauge-interface, ipIP address assigned to the interface

Container Metrics

Resource Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_infogauge-image, systemd_triggered_byMeta information about the container
container_restarts_totalcountercount-Number of times the container was restarted
container_resources_cpu_limit_coresgaugecores-CPU limit of the container
container_resources_cpu_usage_seconds_totalcounterseconds-Total CPU time consumed by the container
container_resources_cpu_delay_seconds_totalcounterseconds-Total time duration processes of the container have been waiting for a CPU (while being runnable)
container_resources_cpu_throttled_seconds_totalcounterseconds-Total time duration the container has been throttled
container_resources_memory_limit_bytesgaugebytes-Memory limit of the container
container_resources_memory_rss_bytesgaugebytes-Amount of physical memory used by the container (doesn’t include page cache)
container_resources_memory_cache_bytesgaugebytes-Amount of page cache memory allocated by the container
container_oom_kills_totalcountercount-Total number of times the container was terminated by the OOM killer

Disk Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_resources_disk_delay_seconds_totalcounterseconds-Total time duration processes of the container have been waiting for I/Os to complete
container_resources_disk_size_bytesgaugebytesmount_point, device, volumeTotal capacity of the volume
container_resources_disk_used_bytesgaugebytesmount_point, device, volumeUsed capacity of the volume
container_resources_disk_reserved_bytesgaugebytesmount_point, device, volumeReserved capacity of the volume
container_resources_disk_reads_totalcountercountmount_point, device, volumeTotal number of reads completed successfully by the container
container_resources_disk_read_bytes_totalcounterbytesmount_point, device, volumeTotal number of bytes read from the disk by the container
container_resources_disk_writes_totalcountercountmount_point, device, volumeTotal number of writes completed successfully by the container
container_resources_disk_written_bytes_totalcounterbytesmount_point, device, volumeTotal number of bytes written to the disk by the container

Network Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_net_tcp_successful_connects_totalcountercount-Total number of successful TCP connects
container_net_tcp_connection_time_seconds_totalcounterseconds-Time spent on TCP connections
container_net_tcp_failed_connects_totalcountercount-Total number of failed TCP connects
container_net_tcp_active_connectionsgaugecount-Number of active outbound connections used by the container
container_net_tcp_retransmits_totalcountercount-Total number of retransmitted TCP segments
container_net_latency_secondsgaugeseconds-Round-trip time between the container and a remote IP
container_net_tcp_bytes_sent_totalcounterbytes-Total number of bytes sent to the peer
container_net_tcp_bytes_received_totalcounterbytes-Total number of bytes received from the peer
container_net_bytes_sent_totalcounterbytes-Total number of bytes sent by the container
container_net_bytes_received_totalcounterbytes-Total number of bytes received by the container

Application Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_application_typegauge-application_typeType of the application running in the container (e.g. memcached, postgres, mysql)
container_golang_binary_locationgauge-binary_locationLocation of the Golang binary running in the container

JVM Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_jvm_infogauge-jvm, java_versionMeta information about the JVM
container_jvm_heap_size_bytesgaugebytesjvmTotal heap size in bytes
container_jvm_heap_used_bytesgaugebytesjvmUsed heap size in bytes
container_jvm_gc_time_secondsgaugesecondsjvm, gcTime spent in the given JVM garbage collector in seconds
container_jvm_safepoint_time_secondsgaugesecondsjvmTime the application has been stopped for safepoint operations in seconds
container_jvm_safepoint_sync_time_secondsgaugesecondsjvmTime spent getting to safepoints in seconds

Python Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsAttributesDescription
container_python_thread_lock_wait_time_secondsgaugeseconds-Time spent waiting acquiring GIL in seconds

Protocol-Specific Request Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsDescription
container_http_requests_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound HTTP requests
container_postgres_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Postgres queries
container_redis_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Redis queries
container_memcached_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Memcached queries
container_mysql_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Mysql queries
container_mongo_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Mongo queries
container_kafka_requests_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Kafka requests
container_cassandra_queries_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound Cassandra requests
container_rabbitmq_messages_totalcountercountTotal number of Rabbitmq messages produced or consumed by the container
container_nats_messages_totalcountercountTotal number of NATS messages produced or consumed by the container
container_dubbo_requests_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound DUBBO requests
container_dns_requests_totalcountercountTotal number of outbound DNS requests

Protocol-Specific Latency Metrics

Metric NameTypeUnitsDescription
container_http_requests_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the response time for each outbound HTTP request
container_postgres_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Postgres query
container_redis_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Redis query
container_memcached_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Memcached query
container_mysql_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Mysql query
container_mongo_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Mongo query
container_kafka_requests_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Kafka request
container_cassandra_queries_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the execution time for each outbound Cassandra request
container_dubbo_requests_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the response time for each outbound DUBBO request
container_dns_requests_duration_seconds_totalhistogramsecondsHistogram of the response time for each outbound DNS request