User Guide


Services are the core abstraction in Metoro. They are the entities that represent the persistent components of your microservice application and are the main way you will interact with the data in Metoro. Services are automatically detected by Metoro and do not require any configuration from you.

How does Metoro detect a service?

Metoro makes a service out of each of the following Kubernetes resources:

  • Deployments
  • StatefulSets
  • DaemonSets
  • ReplicaSets

For example if we have the following architecture in our Kubernetes cluster:

Service Example

Metoro will automatically detect 2 services:

  • Currency
  • Checkout

All of the data around the underlying pods, containers, and the Kubernetes resources themselves are associated with the service they belong to and will be tracked over time by Metoro.

Metoro extracts APM, traces, logs, metrics and profiling data from the pods and containers associated with the service and associates them with the service as well as tracking changes to the kubernetes metadata.

This allows you do do things like see if a new deployment caused a spike in errors or if a new pod is causing a memory leak.

How do you interact with services?

Service Catalog

The best place to get started with services is at the service catalog page. Check it out here.

The service catalog page shows you all the services that Metoro has detected in your cluster and allows you to drill down into each service to see the data associated with it.

Service Catalog

After you find the service you are interested in, you can click on it to see the service page.

Service Page

The service page shows you in-depth information about the service including:

  • APM data
  • Logs
  • Metrics
  • Profiling data
Service Page

Clicking through to the kubernetes tab will show you all the kubernetes resources associated with the service as well as adverse events that have happened to the service such as pod restarts.

Service Page 2

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