Wix Status

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Current Status: Wix is UP

We checked the official Wix status page for updates 1 min, 50 seconds ago.

Past Wix Incidents

Source: Official Wix status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-09-06 14:49 Wix Support: Call Center is experiencing issues. Please use the chat option at this time.
1 hr, 21 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-09-06 12:13 Issues with Wix Automations, Email Marketing, and email deliverability for multiple services
6 hrs, 34 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-09-04 15:12 RESOLVED: Call Center Support Unavailable - Please Use Chat for Support
2 hrs, 58 mins

This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.

2024-08-28 16:18 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with some live sites not loading
1 hr, 35 mins

Incident has been resolved.Incident has been resolved.

2024-08-06 14:35 RESOLVED: Wix Support Site is Down
31 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-07-23 13:45 Unable to Access Wix Help Centre
9 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-17 23:58 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with live sites not loading.
1 hr, 36 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-17 15:21 RESOLVED: Major Issue with Recently Published Sites
2 hrs, 48 mins

This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.

2024-06-16 09:18 Multiple issues with Wix services
46 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-12 09:47 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with login and sign up options.
28 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-11 10:49 RESOLVED: Minor Issue affecting multiple services
13 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-07 08:22 RESOLVED: Issues loading Wix Blog
29 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-06 08:04 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential Issue affecting multiple services
9 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-02 10:48 RESOLVED: Minor Issue affecting multiple services
14 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-05-28 12:12 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with live sites loading blank
1 hr, 15 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-05-23 11:24 We're investigating a potential loading issue with displaying Velo code in Editor and on Live sites
15 hrs, 37 mins

This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.This incident has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.

2024-05-07 12:46 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential loading issue with live sites
2 hrs, 44 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-04-22 15:59 RESOLVED: Our Customer Care are temporarily unavailable
57 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-04-18 08:43 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with live sites loading blank
10 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-04-11 09:25 RESOLVED: Changes Made in Editor Not Reflecting on Live Site
32 mins

The incident has been resolved.The incident has been resolved.

2024-04-10 14:36 RESOLVED: Unable to Publish Wix Blog
6 mins

The incident has been resolved.The incident has been resolved.

2024-04-03 11:40 RESOLVED: Multiple Issues Affecting Wix Stores
27 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-04-03 09:51 RESOLVED: Issues Loading Wix Blog
15 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-04-01 19:24 RESOLVED: Major Issue affecting multiple services related to Ecommerce
39 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-03-28 14:54 RESOLVED: We're investigating an issue affecting multiple Wix services
26 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-03-28 08:45 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with images on live sites and in the editors
1 hr, 31 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-03-11 11:41 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with feedback links, app download links and shortene...
25 hrs, 19 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-20 15:20 RESOLVED: Communication with Customer Care is temporarily unavailable
18 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-19 18:13 RESOLVED: issue with delayed orders showing in dashboard.
10 hrs, 31 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-19 14:48 RESOLVED: Some Widgets are Not Loading on Live Sites
2 hrs, 29 mins

This incident has been resolved. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this is...

2024-02-15 18:20 Major Issue affecting multiple TPA services
3 hrs, 20 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-14 11:03 RESOLVED: Free Wix Studio Live Sites Not Loading (404 error)
19 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-14 03:07 RESOLVED: Our Customer Care is temporarily unavailable
4 hrs, 28 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-11 16:29 Some users experience images not loading on live sites and editor
38 mins

This incident has been resolved. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this is...

2024-02-08 17:37 RESOLVED: Some users experience images not loading on live sites and editor
55 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-07 13:45 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue loading live sites
32 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-04 18:12 RESOLVED: Major Issue affecting multiple services
14 mins

This incident has been resolved. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this is...

2024-01-24 16:11 RESOLVED: Issues with Viewing Blog Posts and Loading Certain Sites
20 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-01-23 13:07 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue loading live sites
17 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-01-22 10:04 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue loading the Wix Dashboard.
7 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-01-16 17:12 Problem on some websites with custom code not loading
12 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-01-08 17:10 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with uploading media.
1 hr, 5 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-01-05 13:29 RESOLVED: Wix.com Loading Intermittently
5 mins

The incident has been resolved.The incident has been resolved.

2023-12-13 15:42 RESOLVED: Issue affecting multiple services
21 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-12-11 12:13 RESOLVED: Issue affecting multiple services
27 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-12-06 15:28 Multiple Issues With Premium Wix Services
2 hrs, 25 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-12-03 07:04 RESOLVED: Issues Loading the Wix Editor
17 hrs, 6 mins

This incident has been resolved. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this is...

2023-11-21 05:47 RESOLVED: Major issue with Instagram feed not loading on live sites
4 hrs, 35 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-11-19 13:22 RESOLVED: We're investigating a potential issue with Wix Bookings services.
12 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-11-14 16:18 RESOLVED: Issue affecting multiple Wix Services
1 hr, 33 mins

This incident is now resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.This incident is now resolved. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue.