Ngrok Status

Is Ngrok down?

Current Status: Ngrok is UP

We checked the official Ngrok status page for updates 34 seconds ago.

Past Ngrok Incidents

Source: Official Ngrok status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-08-01 22:00 [Scheduled] Database Maintenance
3 hrs

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-07-26 19:34 Delayed certificate provisioning for wildcard domains created in the last two days
4 hrs, 2 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-07-26 16:37 IPv6 Network Connection Issues
2 hrs, 46 mins

The incident has been resolved and connections are working as expected.The incident has been resolved and connections are working as expected.

2024-07-17 14:32 Agents experiencing tunnel connection errors
4 hrs, 46 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-07-13 16:18 Some accounts getting suspended without warning
93 hrs, 50 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-28 17:39 Degraded service in the EU region
1 hr, 40 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-06-10 19:04 Investigating networking disruption to our documentation and front page
57 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-05-17 23:10 Intermittent request failures in eu and us regions
30 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-03-18 20:53 JP region degraded state
1 hr, 7 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-03-07 16:25 `jp` region is down for new tunnel starts and endpoint configuration changes
55 mins

We are fully recovered in `jp`.We are fully recovered in `jp`.

2024-02-08 20:34 `jp` region experiencing degraded tunnel start errors
34 mins

An issue with pod resources and deploys caused intermittent failures for some new tunnels. This issue is now res...

2024-02-07 21:34 `ap` region degraded
2 hrs, 32 mins

After monitoring, we believe this issue to be resolved. Please reach out to our support team if you continue to s...

2024-02-07 19:43 OAuth, OIDC, and SAML modules for Edges degraded
26 mins

The system should be recovered for all users.The system should be recovered for all users.

2024-02-02 05:36 Intermittent errors affecting ngrok services in US
23 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-02-02 04:44 Errors in US region
33 mins

The `us` region is recovered and dashboard is back to working. If you continue to see issues please contact suppo...

2024-01-26 23:09 Unable to start new tunnels - all regions affected
50 mins

Service is restored in all regions and the incident is resolved.Service is restored in all regions and the incident is resolved.

2024-01-11 12:24 Agent connection failures in US
3 hrs, 15 mins

We are no longer seeing customer impact for this incident.We are no longer seeing customer impact for this incident.

2024-01-03 17:32 Intermittent Errors in AP, AU, IN, JP, and SA regions
1 hr, 29 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-12-25 14:30 and api down due to DDOS
0 second

The website and our `api` were impacted by a DDOS attack from approximately 06:50 AM until 09:45 AM Pac...

2023-12-21 20:47 is degraded with some state not displaying
48 mins

The ngrok dashboard is operational again. Customers should no longer see issues.The ngrok dashboard is operational again. Customers should no longer see issues.

2023-11-07 11:51 resolving to incorrect name servers
9 hrs, 55 mins

We have resolved the issue with our hosting providers and see is fully recovered.We have resolved the issue with our hosting providers and see is fully recovered.

2023-11-03 01:50 Tunnel disconnects and start failures in au and eu
28 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-11-01 18:20 Partial ap outage
1 hr, 1 min

Networking disruptions caused some services to fall behind on data replication. Existing endpoints and agent conn...

2023-09-11 16:46 False positive on McAfee for windows binary
24 hrs, 30 mins

We have worked with McAfee to remove the block on ngrok executables. Customers should no longer see an issue with...

2023-09-11 15:30 Events in us-cal-1 are delayed or failing to process
5 hrs, 3 mins

The fix has was rolled out at 3 pm Eastern, and events are now being processed correctly for us-cal-1.The fix has was rolled out at 3 pm Eastern, and events are now being processed correctly for us-cal-1.

2023-09-08 00:20 General service disruption affecting SA
18 mins

This incident has been resolvedThis incident has been resolved

2023-09-07 00:05 returning permanent redirect
11 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-08-30 02:01 [Scheduled] Routine controlplane maintenance
29 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2023-08-16 23:01 Network connectivity issues affect high traffic customers
10 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-08-15 17:57 Some Tunnel Restarts Break Endpoints
5 hrs, 46 mins

The fix is now rolled out to all regions, and our team has confirmed we are seeing no more instances of the issue...

2023-08-09 19:25 New tunnel starts in `jp` failing intermittently
34 mins

We see a full recovery of `jp` and believe this is resolved. Please reach out to our support team if you still se...

2023-08-02 15:42 Some endpoints with certificates seeing 3200 errors
1 hr, 20 mins

This incident should be resolved for all customers in all regions. Please let our support team know if you see an...

2023-07-13 16:28 Investigating an issue with global routing to the sa region
22 mins

The sa region is back to healthy.The sa region is back to healthy.

2023-06-29 21:16 ngrok fallback certs being served for regional domains outside the region
1 hr, 34 mins

We believe this issue to be resolved for all customers.We believe this issue to be resolved for all customers.

2023-06-13 22:33 Failed DNS change causing global outage
20 mins

Rollback complete and customers should no longer see impact.Rollback complete and customers should no longer see impact.

2023-05-16 02:17 Tunnel Sessions cannot be stopped via API in JP
38 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-05-09 22:54 New tunnels cannot be started in the India (in) region
22 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-04-26 14:52 General Service Disruption
7 hrs, 8 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-04-03 16:20 Globally degraded availability
20 mins

Global recovery confirmed.Global recovery confirmed.

2023-03-29 16:00 Intermitten availability for incoming connections in us region
0 second

Connections from the internet to ngrok intermittently failed starting at approximately 09:20 AM Pacific until 12:...

2023-03-16 03:41 Intermittent endpoint connectivity issues
15 mins

We have identified and resolved the issue.We have identified and resolved the issue.

2023-01-19 21:05 Partial tunnel outage
47 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-12-05 20:19 Intermittent US region agent and edge connection failures
53 mins

The incident is now resolved and services appear normal.The incident is now resolved and services appear normal.

2022-12-05 19:45 Anonymous tunnel starts have invalid endpoints
0 second

Newly started tunnels by anonymous users were provided invalid endpoints for up to four hours. Existing tunnels w...

2022-11-21 19:44 Limits set to 0 on some parts of ngrok product
34 mins

We believe this issue to be resolved. Please contact if you continue to see these or other issu...

2022-11-17 18:09 ngrok documentation is offline
32 mins

The incident affecting docs has been resolved.The incident affecting docs has been resolved.

2022-11-01 17:12 Emails from ngrok are delayed
2 hrs, 37 mins

We have resolved the incident. Emails from ngrok are no longer delayed.We have resolved the incident. Emails from ngrok are no longer delayed.

2022-08-11 16:54 Some connections to our edge are not tunneling properly
24 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-08-05 21:53 Partial tunnel start outage
49 mins

All regions have fully recovered.All regions have fully recovered.

2022-08-05 21:30 Partial new tunnel start outage
0 second

An issue affecting the ability to start some new tunnels has been identified and resolution is in progressAn issue affecting the ability to start some new tunnels has been identified and resolution is in progress