Jexo Status

Is Jexo down?

Current Status: Jexo is UP

We checked the official Jexo status page for updates 4 mins, 41 seconds ago.

Past Jexo Incidents

Source: Official Jexo status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-02-28 14:26 Atlassian API not working properly
4 hrs

This incident is now resolved.This incident is now resolved.

2023-09-13 00:03 [Scheduled] Swanly scheduled downtime
2 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2023-03-02 13:49 Issue with loading Foxly app
117 hrs, 47 mins

After providing fixes we have been monitoring the entire app performance and can confirm now that incident is res...

2023-01-26 13:35 Issues with loading Foxly Priority poker game
115 hrs, 54 mins

The incident has been resolved - Foxly Priority poker is loading as expected.The incident has been resolved - Foxly Priority poker is loading as expected.

2023-01-10 23:00 [Scheduled] Upgrading infrastructure - planned maintenance
30 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2022-10-13 22:17 DNS Issues for Jexo Apps
33 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-07-28 17:36 Swanly application now loading
57 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-07-14 20:16 Issues with Loading the Foxly Application
59 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2021-09-06 14:22 Apps lost permissions causing errors on install and beyond
5 hrs, 55 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2021-07-20 05:52 Foxly unresponsive issues
25 hrs, 40 mins

We've been monitoring the performance after providing a fix and can now confirm, that the issue is resolved.We've been monitoring the performance after providing a fix and can now confirm, that the issue is resolved.

2021-01-20 00:00 [Scheduled] Scheduled Server Maintenance
1 hr

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2019-08-05 23:15 This is an example incident
0 second

Empathize with those affected and let them know everything is operating as normal.Empathize with those affected and let them know everything is operating as normal.