Helpjuice Status

Is Helpjuice down?

Current Status: Helpjuice is UP

We checked the official Helpjuice status page for updates 2 mins, 42 seconds ago.

Past Helpjuice Incidents

Source: Official Helpjuice status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-07-25 07:08 DNS Connection issues
1 hr, 39 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-05-02 14:00 KBs Experiencing Slowness
0 second

We observed a significant slowdown in application performance at approximately 3:07 PM UTC. A prompt investigatio...

2023-05-13 10:00 Helpjuice Maintanance
1 hr, 54 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-10-11 12:53 Temporary DB-related outage.
3 hrs, 7 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-09-20 14:44 Service outage
0 second

Our Hosting Infrastructure provider, had a hardware failure on one of our follower databases, we proce...

2022-09-19 20:00 Service outage
0 second

Our Hosting Infrastructure provider, had a hardware failure on one of our follower databases, we proce...

2022-07-31 15:09 Assets not loading properly
22 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-06-30 15:40 Certain KBs Experiencing Slowness
2 hrs, 44 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-05-26 13:15 Helpjuice Downtime
1 hr, 9 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2022-03-25 10:09 SSL Issues happening to certain accounts
27 hrs, 5 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2021-11-10 20:10 502 Issue on certain accounts
1 min

This incident has been resolved. We are reconstructing SSL servers.This incident has been resolved. We are reconstructing SSL servers.

2021-05-30 11:30 [Scheduled] CNAME SSL Upgrade to LetsEncrypt (Free SSL)
6 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2021-04-29 17:00 Data Processing Delays
0 second

Some clusters were affected by slow responses and big spikes in latency. The issue was resolved within 20 minutes...

2021-04-21 07:30 Data Processing Delays
0 second

Some clusters were affected by slow responses and big spikes in latency. The issue was resolved within 45 minutes...

2021-04-05 16:00 Services Outage
0 second

Our Hosting Infrastructure provider, / AWS: Hardware failure was detected on one of our follower datab...

2020-12-03 12:00 Data Processing Delays
0 second

Some clusters were affected by slow responses and big spikes in latency. The issue was resolved within 6 hours of...

2020-02-18 15:59 Timeouts
54 mins

We have resolved this issue! It's now back to normal, but we are currently working on inspecting the root cause t...

2019-08-31 14:25 Amazon AWS Heroku Widespread Issue Effecting
3 hrs, 50 mins

After three hours, we can confirm that this issue has been resolved by heroku to AWS 1 hour agoAfter three hours, we can confirm that this issue has been resolved by heroku to AWS 1 hour ago

2017-01-18 17:07 System Slowness
3 hrs, 35 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2016-10-21 18:05 Massive Cyberattack
6 hrs, 12 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2016-09-13 21:45 System Instability
1 hr, 11 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2016-08-25 00:41 Static Assets Issue
32 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.