Equinix Status

Is Equinix down?

Current Status: Equinix is UP

We checked the official Equinix status page for updates 4 mins, 19 seconds ago.

Past Equinix Incidents

Source: Official Equinix status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-09-30 21:17 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">lk0x52709c6b</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-30 09:41 Provider Issue (Metro Connect)
0 second

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">fybwpds1k8jh</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-22 13:53 Network Service Issue (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">05q3jtt6rrxs</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-10 17:30 Metal Billing Services Maintenance
0 second

THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Sep 10, 17:30 - 19:30 UTCAug 30, 21:38 UTCScheduled - Equinix will perform scheduled ma...

2024-09-03 16:55 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">bkkc2sg8rq74</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 16:40 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">46dx20ykklj7</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 16:09 [Scheduled] Planned Network Maintenance - SG metro (Equinix Metal)
1 hr, 2 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.<div class="affected-products font-small color-secondary">[Equinix M...

2024-09-03 15:23 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">v3p6r5tcknzq</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 15:08 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">vgmgxxxdqq7c</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 14:37 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">9l21z3mw8rt5</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 14:22 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">tjdwb7h6gg79</div> <div...

2024-09-03 14:22 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">3h56dkgtq9hy</div> <div...

2024-09-03 14:06 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">6npdy30p4660</div> <div...

2024-09-03 13:51 Link Failure (Equinix Fabric, Metro Connect)
15 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">vb3193l76ynk</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 13:51 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

Equinix SMC monitored that one of Equinix Fabric backbone links between EMEA and AMER flapped and recovered withi...

2024-09-03 13:51 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
15 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">q1blsq45g48y</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 13:51 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
15 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">cfgqf5x51b3w</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 13:51 Link Failure (Equinix Fabric, Metro Connect)
0 second

Equinix SMC has reported an optical protection switchover in Metro Connect platform. The brief service interrupti...

2024-09-03 13:20 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
1 hr, 2 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">5ly9sghr73s7</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 13:05 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
15 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">yx63l72sg7nb</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 12:49 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">4p5vwzmmqdzk</div> <div...

2024-09-03 12:34 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
15 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">qptjg3vnmmdr</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 11:17 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">m2d6nxx9kl8w</div> <div...

2024-09-03 11:17 Network Component Issue (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">6km2mk66m132</div> <div...

2024-09-03 11:17 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
31 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">q48621nrx1vc</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 10:31 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
16 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">6w0pnbxmxqrg</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 10:01 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
1 hr, 1 min

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">nwyfg22c09zx</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 10:01 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">myr402w0vm1c</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 09:30 Link Failure (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">qfhv7ztq99vr</div> <div...

2024-09-03 09:14 Switchover (Metro Connect)
0 second

Our Partner Dark Fiber Provider has confirmed on the indicated date and time there were delivery activities which...

2024-09-03 09:14 Network Service Issue (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">fw4lsvhx41b6</div> <div...

2024-09-03 08:29 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">cc80xhkj4sp9</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 07:58 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">mndltqbxvwkk</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 07:58 Link Failure (Equinix Fabric, Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">6t3c2t1q6022</div> <div...

2024-09-03 07:27 Network Component Issue (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect, Internet Exchange, Metro Connect...
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">vf9pb85rv1k0</div> <div...

2024-09-03 07:27 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
2 hrs, 34 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">dpyh40n5zkfr</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 07:27 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">zvyrwczw0psw</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 07:27 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">k6x80g3qbvth</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 07:27 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
1 hr, 17 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">q73wjd467lcd</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 07:12 Power Issue (Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">546yv1p7jjcv</div> <div...

2024-09-03 06:11 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">vx8ntvr1qn9v</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 06:11 Power Issue (Equinix Fabric)
6 hrs, 8 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">d4lnxgwcf1js</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 04:55 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">p2sl18pblq88</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 04:39 Link Failure (Equinix Fabric, Equinix Internet Access / Equinix Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">86ptc38fx3bw</div> <div...

2024-09-03 03:53 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">y5w11pt5hjk1</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 03:38 Power Issue (Internet Exchange)
1 hr, 47 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">1xz3hk9qjzf5</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 03:23 Provider Issue (Equinix Fabric, Network Edge)
6 hrs, 38 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">wl6stw70nbrv</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 02:52 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
16 mins

This incident has been resolved. <div style="display: none;">7grc168hy7fj</div> <div class="incident-number font-...

2024-09-03 02:21 Provider Issue (Network Edge, Equinix Fabric)
0 second

We are currently investigating this issue. <div style="display: none;">w3ccdx82mx63</div> <div class="incident-nu...

2024-09-03 00:49 Network Service Issue (Metro Connect)
0 second

The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented. <div style="display: none;">2th4tvxn4h8z</div> <div...