Currents Status

Is Currents down?

Current Status: Currents is UP

We checked the official Currents status page for updates 4 mins, 46 seconds ago.

Past Currents Incidents

Source: Official Currents status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-08-27 20:33 Playwright Orchestration intermittent failures
0 second

Aug 27, 20:33:08 GMT+0Investigating - We are observing an increased errors rate for Playwright orchestration r...

2024-07-29 15:21 Run timeouts end unresponsive results
0 second

Jul 29, 15:21:22 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident. We're seeing a spike in p...

2024-05-29 15:31 In-app support is currently experiencing issues.
0 second

May 29, 15:31:13 GMT+0Identified - Our in-app support chat is currently experiencing issues. If you need suppo...

2024-04-11 17:30 Dashboard run timeouts and slowness on seeing results in the dashboard
0 second

Apr 11, 17:30:00 GMT+0Monitoring - We have increased our processing capacity, and are monitoring as the system...

2024-02-09 22:35 Missing test results for some executions
0 second

Feb 9, 22:35:24 GMT+0Investigating - As part of planned maintenance with no expected downtime, we've detected ...

2023-08-14 23:22 Intermittent parallelization errors
0 second

Aug 15, 17:39:35 GMT+0Monitoring - Scaling up Redis cluster completed. We are currently monitoring the system ...

2023-07-20 20:42 Analytics and metrics partial outage
0 second

Jul 20, 23:43:33 GMT+0Monitoring - The cluster rebalancing is complete, enabling all the ES queries, monitorin...

2023-06-13 18:19 50x responses from cloud services
0 second

Jun 13, 18:19:00 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident.. Jun 13, 19:25:07 GMT+0Id...

2023-03-29 20:11 Runs are not completing due to timeouts
0 second

Mar 29, 20:11:08 GMT+0Identified - The root cause is identified, rolling back the faulty deployment. Mar 29, ...

2023-03-08 20:36 Cypress Runners version 12.6.0+ exit with "Unsupported Recording Service"
0 second

Mar 8, 20:36:52 GMT+0Identified - Cypress 12.6.0+ introduced a breaking change to Currents integration - you m...

2023-03-03 18:40 API - Dashboard degraded performance
0 second

Mar 3, 18:40:22 GMT+0Investigating - Slow response time when loading the dashboard and getting API responses. ...

2022-05-23 16:05 API - Dashboard degraded performance
0 second

May 23, 16:05:48 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident.. May 23, 16:05:48 GMT+0Id...