Aqua Status

Is aqua down?

Current Status: aqua is UP

We checked the official aqua status page for updates 1 min, 44 seconds ago.

Past aqua Incidents

Source: Official aqua status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-09-01 03:00 [Scheduled] Aqua Europe UI Scheduled Maintenance
2 hrs, 52 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-08-29 04:00 UI Login issue on asia-1 Region
0 second

We encountered UI login issues with our production platform in the Asia-1 region(

2024-08-21 20:30 CyberCenter Service Disruption
0 second

On August 21st, 2023, at approximately 8:30 PM UTC, our Container Image Scanning service experienced a major disr...

2024-08-10 13:00 [Scheduled] Aqua UI Scheduled Maintenance
3 hrs

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-08-04 04:30 [Scheduled] CyberCenter Scheduled Maintenance
3 hrs, 34 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-07-21 04:33 [Scheduled] CyberCenter Scheduled Maintenance
1 hr, 56 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-07-07 04:30 CyberCenter Scheduled Maintenance
0 second

THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Jul 7, 04:30 - 06:30 UTCJun 27, 07:19 UTCScheduled - The CyberCenter and Trivy scanning...

2024-07-06 15:00 [Scheduled] CyberCenter Scheduled Maintenance
1 hr, 39 mins

The scheduled maintenance has been completed.The scheduled maintenance has been completed.

2024-05-25 20:16 Login issue to Aqua SaaS Platform
45 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2024-05-02 06:38 Aqua Production Login Page Outage
1 hr, 18 mins

We have restored the services, Application is now operational & fully functional.We have restored the services, Application is now operational & fully functional.

2024-04-10 08:36 Outage of Aqua CSPM DB in us-east-1
2 hrs, 35 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2023-06-13 19:41 AWS US-EAST-1 Outage
1 hr, 27 mins

We are pleased to inform you that our services have been restored and Aqua Console is now available. We apologiz...

2023-05-22 12:55 Workload Protection is not accessible in the Europe region
0 second

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2021-12-07 20:48 AWS us-east-1 outage December 07 2021
12 hrs, 7 mins

This incident has been resolved.This incident has been resolved.

2021-03-15 20:54 Aqua Wave is Monitoring Elevated Azure AD Error Rates
57 mins

The Azure AD incident appears to be largely resolved and CSPM scans are completing as scheduled at this point. Pl...

2020-12-15 14:19 Background Scanning Temporarily Paused
1 hr, 20 mins

The background scanning maintenance is complete and scan schedules have been restored.The background scanning maintenance is complete and scan schedules have been restored.

2020-11-25 15:02 AWS Outage Impacting Wave Services
8 hrs, 30 mins

AWS services appear to be recovering and at this time, all core Aqua Wave functionality has returned to normal op...

2020-11-20 03:52 Aqua Wave is Monitoring Elevated AWS Error Rates for CloudWatch
7 mins

We are continuing to monitor AWS for additional updates regarding their CloudWatch outage, but there is no furthe...