Permit-io Status

Is permit-io down?

Current Status: permit-io is UP

We checked the official permit-io status page for updates 31 seconds ago.

Past permit-io Incidents

Source: Official permit-io status page
Start Time (UTC)Incident Deep LinkImpactDurationDescription
2024-10-01 12:34 Backend US East outage
0 second

Oct 1, 12:34:12 GMT+0Investigating - Investigating reports that login functionality is not working for some us...

2024-09-22 09:29 OPAL Europe outage
0 second

Sep 22, 09:29:15 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created ...

2024-09-17 07:09 Frontend Europe outage
0 second

Sep 17, 07:15:37 GMT+0Resolved - Frontend Europe is now operational! This update was created by an automated m...

2024-09-14 19:41 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Sep 14, 19:45:24 GMT+0Resolved - Frontend US East is now operational! This update was created by an automated ...

2024-08-22 22:50 Backend Europe outage
0 second

Aug 22, 22:50:30 GMT+0Investigating - Backend Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was creat...

2024-08-10 23:37 Error in Recent Release Causing Delays and Partial Evaluations
0 second

Aug 10, 23:37:00 GMT+0Resolved - This incident has been resolved..Aug 10, 23:37:00 GMT+0Resolved - This incident has been resolved..

2024-08-09 17:09 Frontend Europe outage
0 second

Aug 9, 17:09:38 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was creat...

2024-07-15 14:41 OPAL US East outage
0 second

Jul 15, 14:41:33 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created...

2024-06-10 05:27 Marketing Website outage
0 second

Jun 10, 05:27:53 GMT+0Investigating - Marketing Website cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cr...

2024-06-03 17:19 OPAL Europe outage
0 second

Jun 3, 17:19:46 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created b...

2024-05-14 13:21 Frontend Europe outage
0 second

May 14, 13:21:37 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was crea...

2024-05-14 09:06 Frontend US East outage
0 second

May 14, 09:10:24 GMT+0Resolved - Frontend US East is now operational! This update was created by an automated ...

2024-04-29 15:05 Some delay in sending data updates due to heavy usage
0 second

Apr 29, 15:05:53 GMT+0Investigating - We are currently investigating this incident, we will update shortly.. A...

2024-04-04 14:26 OPAL Europe outage
0 second

Apr 4, 14:26:15 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created b...

2024-04-04 06:36 OPAL Europe outage
0 second

Apr 4, 06:36:15 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created b...

2024-03-16 04:55 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 04:55:24 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cre...

2024-03-16 04:22 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 04:22:54 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cre...

2024-03-16 04:14 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 04:14:54 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cre...

2024-03-16 04:11 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 04:11:24 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cre...

2024-03-16 04:05 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 04:11:22 GMT+0Resolved - Frontend US East is now operational! This update was created by an automated ...

2024-03-16 03:36 Frontend US East outage
0 second

Mar 16, 03:36:55 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cre...

2024-01-16 17:57 Frontend Europe outage
0 second

Jan 16, 17:57:37 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend Europe cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was crea...

2023-11-24 09:25 Backend US East outage
0 second

Nov 24, 09:25:12 GMT+0Investigating - Backend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was crea...

2023-11-23 12:05 Backend US East outage
0 second

Nov 23, 12:05:13 GMT+0Investigating - Backend US East cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was crea...

2023-11-17 12:20 Issue with GitOps policy synchronization
0 second

Nov 17, 12:20:00 GMT+0Identified - We are continuing to work on a fix for this incident.. Nov 17, 14:20:00 GM...

2023-10-27 16:11 Frontend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Oct 27, 16:11:16 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was c...

2023-10-26 19:35 Backend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Oct 26, 19:35:12 GMT+0Investigating - Backend cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cr...

2023-09-12 21:16 Frontend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Sep 12, 21:16:16 GMT+0Investigating - Frontend cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was c...

2023-09-04 15:25 Backend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Sep 4, 15:30:41 GMT+0Resolved - Backend is now operational! This update was created by an automated ...

2023-09-04 15:25 OPAL isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Sep 4, 15:25:03 GMT+0Investigating - OPAL cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident is a resu...

2022-11-30 18:32 Backend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)
0 second

Nov 30, 18:32:12 GMT+0Investigating - Backend cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was cr...

2022-11-16 11:34 API service unavailable due to performance issues under unusual traffic load
0 second

Nov 16, 11:34:00 GMT+0Investigating - We are experiencing an unusual load on our API service ( a...

2022-10-14 06:36 OPAL server delayed updates
0 second

Oct 14, 06:36:00 GMT+0Investigating - We detected a delay in some updates sent through one of our internal wor...